Sonya Anissa is one of the former hosts of Mind Matters, a show dedicated to eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health, streaming on the BHC Network. Sonya is a contributing author of “ Taking the S off my Chest: A Woman’s Guide to Breaking the Superwoman Syndrome book and workbook, a collaborative effort concentrating on self empowerment sought after in numerous book clubs and support groups across the U.S. She is the founder of M.I.D.A.A.S Foundation, a ministry that seeks to provide inspiration, encouragement and empowerment through mentoring, informing, diligently-assisting, advocating for and supporting individuals and families who live or are associated with developmental and mental health disabilities. Under this ministry she has developed a holistic coaching program focused on helping all individuals achieve personal and spiritual growth.

     Sonya earned her Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from South University, and Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Norfolk State University. Sonya Anissa is a Certified Life Coach focusing on Special Needs Life Quality as well as Resilience and Empowerment. She is also a Certified Family Peer Support Specialist. Sonya is a 30+ year veteran of the developmental services and behavioral health population. In addition to being a faith-filled, ordained minister of the gospel serving as an Elder in her place of worship. Sonya is an active member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. The accomplishment of which Sonya Anissa is most proud is that of being a wife, mother and a grandmother.  

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